Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Violence of Love

The church is calling to sanity,

to understanding,

to love. It does not believe in violent solutions. The church believes in only one violence, that of Christ,

who was nailed to the cross. That is how today’s gospel reading shows him, taking upon himself all the violence

of hatred and misunderstanding,

so that we humans might forgive one another, love one another, feel ourselves brothers and sisters.12

NOVEMBER 20, 1977-Archbishop Oscar Romero

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Now What....

This week we learned that the military complex is 100 times larger than anyone knew, and for even those who know; ten times larger than what they know. So who really knows? Democracy Now (dot com) challenges citizens to get in the Know - but respectfyully. I, on the other hand ask why you can be so blind. Wikileaks is an eye opener. Who has the courage to look? Why do American (mercinaries) kill Arabs, Iraquis, and Afghanis?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Test Post

In 1979 PEMEX - the Mexican Oil Company - had a blowout well in the Gulf. 30 million gallons of oil gushed; 300 people were rescued ( there were no deaths); coastal towns were badly affected; the clean-up was successful; the towns boomed economically; brown industries returned; green industries became conscious; and the technology for stopping a gusher was established. Huh?

Thought Experiment: I wonder if Pemex would be more sympathetic to the problem than BP seems to be? Why have such a distant economic partner with a common language, than a nearer partner with a common Gulf?

July 14, 2010

I look forward to reading and considering your thoughts.

July 14th, 2010

We will be moving our daughter Rebkeah to  Dallas tomorrow, she is starting her working career in big "D"!